Join the Fight❤️

Support Erica’s Recovery Journey

US-SQUARED is rallying behind our founder, Erica Tartt, as she faces her toughest battle yet: breast cancer. Your donation will directly support her recovery and ensure she continues the vital work of empowering youth and communities. Together, we can turn courage into action.

Donate now and make a difference.


Movem$nt enhances community voices.


01/ Ask

Leave your needs at the door! #whoarethey

02/ Listen

If you already knew…??? #activelistening

03/ Document

Paper is so 20th century… #blockchain

04/ Protect

They trusted you with their truth… use it wisely and on their authority. #trustedarchivaldata



Technological Infastructure

A woman is standing in front of a computer screen with binary code on it.



Connection & Mentorship

A woman with curly hair is getting her makeup done by a person.



Collective Voice

A sign that says wake up and live on it
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